BSC GLASGOW TACKLING DOPING AT GRASSROOTS LEVEL: Antidoping GREEN SEAL 4th Meeting In Brussels April 8-9th April 2019

The Parent Community Sports Trust (BSC Glasgow) participated in the 4th meeting of GREEN SEAL ANTIDOPING on April 8 and 9 hosted by Belgian partner IHF in Brussels. The project involves 6 partners from Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK and it is funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action Sport.
The Project aims at enhancing understanding and awareness of the negative implications of doping in recreational sports. As such, ANTIDOPING Green Seal fills a gap as most anti-doping campaigns and activities are often targeted at athletes involved in professional and competitive sports.
>Partners discussed budgetary and administrative aspects, quality assurance, plus anti-doping Ethical Code to be adopted across recreational sports organisations over Europe to prevent unhealthy behaviours of non-professional athletes. The main target group of the Project is represented by young people in recreational sport settings.
ANTIDOPING Green Seal started in January of 2018 and will be implemented over a period of 24 months with activities involving grassroots sports organisations in all of the countries represented in the Consortium.
PCST operate Glasgow’s largest community sports club (BSC) for children and young adults. The charity promotes an inclusive approach to sports provision. Playing sport promotes health and wellbeing. We believe playing sport and Doping will inevitably work against you both physically and mentally.
The Green Seal Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
For further information about ANTIDOPING GREEN SEAL please contact
For more details, please go to The Green Seal Project website at